Supporting Every Citizen's Right to Vote

VoteRiders is making sure no eligible citizen is denied his or her right to vote for lack of ID.

VoteRiders is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with a mission to ensure that all citizens are able to exercise their right to vote. We identify voters who need help with their ID, educate voters about voter ID requirements, and assist citizens to obtain their ID to vote (including paying for fees, transportation, logistical assistance, and legal assistance). Research shows that there are at least 25 million voting-age American citizens who lack a current government-issued photo ID. There are an equal number of voters who are so confused and intimidated by voter ID rules that they won’t vote, even though they have an acceptable ID. VoteRiders provides strategic, practical solutions to this crisis of disenfranchisement.

As voting becomes even more confusing due to COVID-19, we are expanding our services to support safe civic engagement from home. This includes printing and mailing voter ID documents and absentee ballot request forms for voters who do not have access to a printer.

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